viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

Portfolio :3

Sanchez Reyes Diego Flavio

Strengths and weaknesses in English learning.

I think that my weaknesses in the English learning are more that my strenghts, first I very distracted and I,ve got shortage of attention. that is my more great weaknesses, second for being too distracted I can't pay attention when the professor or my classmates tell me something in English, I think that is the reason for I´ve got bad califications in the tests of "listening"  
I love the books, well I love read in Espanish, If I knew English, I would love to read in that language, that is way I beliebe my grat strenghts is the "reading"

personal dictionary

the personal dictionary was a good idea from the teacher, because it help me to have more vocabulary and for don´t forget the structures of the verbal times.

Successful activities or exercises done in class or in the English lab with a short analysis.

in this activity we talk about zero and first conditional, the topic was easy for me because the topic I had already learned during  the last semester. 

this activity was about the different kinds of structures for talk about the future, the activity was easy for me bacause the topic is very easy and in this class pay close attention.

in this activity I wrote concepts related with the aeronautic, this activity was easy because in the aeronautics class we learn about that kind of words.

 Unsuccessful activities or exercises done in class or in the English lab with a short analysis. 

this activity was about a page in the book, the page 172, my classmates had to complete the sentenses and the other students and me had to complete the sentenses with the words of our partners, it was difficult because I can't pay attention and I don't have the book.

this activity was about a Gap year, it was difficult for me because, I can´t understand some words related with this topic, other think that I didn´t understand was the website, it confused for me. 

in this activity onlie apeear the results of the lab. activity but I remember that this activity in espacial was difficult for me, for the new words that appeared in the computer, I take almost the whole class for do this activity.

first period project (blog)

the blog is the same where I public this final project.

Second Period Project (Newspaper)

the picture is only abut a draft of our final work, Only a partner has the mail and password where the final work is seen in the website "newspapperclub", but the teacher already has record of our evidence.

the activity of the newspapper was about a wrote a story or memory, my story is "are you the love of my life?"

classroom project 

my classroom project was about build a temperature alarm, in this presentation I only talk about what is a temperature alarm.

Speaking and Writing rubrics 

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016


Name: Zamora Alanis Santiago Rosendo
Group: 5IM18

Strengths and weaknesses in English learning.

My weaknesses in specific is to speak in English and listen, I can not pronounce the words well and I also do not understand what they say in English, and my strength is grammar because it is easier to learn, for example the structure of sentences, Some grammatical rules, conjugation of verbs.

Complete personal dictionary (words, definitions and examples)

 This dictionary activity helped me to have some vocabulary.

Successful activities or exercises done in class or in the English lab with a short analysis. (At least 3) 

 In this activity was a team, therefore, we had to read a story that came in the book and the story I play was not very difficult.
In this activity was very successful since it was a vocabulary with technicalities of the race, since the airplane manuals are written in English and this helped me to remember some words.

In this activity I tried to find the meaning of each of the words, this easy activity since it was not very complex.

 Unsuccessful activities or exercises done in class or in the English lab with a short analysis. (At least 3)

 In this activity my error was to add the had been and in some the conjugation of the subject.

 In this activity my mistake was not to make the change was to find which was the main verb.

In this activity my mistake was to confuse the present perfect and the present perfect continuous since in the sentences I did not understand them.

First Period Project (Blog)

This project had to talk about any topic and we chose to talk about the party, I talked about alcohol and drug use.

Second Period Project (Newspaper)

This project we had to talk about a book that I read as a child so I publish it as a story

School Project (Proyecto Aula)

This project was for navigation lights on the operation of the aircraft and its meaning.

Speaking and Writing Rubrics.

Evidence on your study habits.

I have bought books to have more vocabulary and check the structure of sentences in addition to improving the ability to listen in English, I have been downloading movies you know to see and hear them in English.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

SR-71 “Blackbird”

Characteristics SR-71:

 *Military airplane
 *To 2 persons (pilot and copilot)
 *It is a spy airplane
 *Is very fast
 *2 enginers
Resultado de imagen para sr71

The circuit chosen in this airplane was a circuit of navigation lights

Resultado de imagen para luces de navegacion avion
Resultado de imagen para luces de navegacion avion

The navigation lights are lights that help to the pilots to know the position the another airplane and know if the airplane is front or no.

Characteristics of navigation lights:

 *The light red is in the wing left
*The light green is in the wing right
*The light white is in the tail of the airplane

Introduction SR-71


In this proyect the team will build the electric circuit for the navigation lights of a "Blackbird" military airplane.  The students will develop this project based on learning in class, applying the knowledge of different signatures as: aircraft electricity, aircraft electronics and aircraft structure. The project will have several phases for your elaboration as are:

1.-Design of the electrical circuit on paper.
2.-Elaboration of the electrical circuit in a protoboard.
3.-Creation of the  airplane"Blackbird" to scale.
4.-Construction of the electric circuit in the airplane.

Following these steps we will have as final result the representation of an SR-71 "Blackbird" military airplane in scale with their respective navigational lights to understand the importance and operation of this; as well as to test the ability of the team to apply an electric circuit in an aircraft.

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

It is airplane prestigious because:
  • has reach velocity 2120 km/h
  • have engine turbofan with postcombustion Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100
  • use technology furtiva
  • take off semi vertical
  • ability propulsion vertical and horizontal 

This is airplane was made in US  and can  exceed velocity  of March 1,7 (1956 km/h). The use technology  furtiva that use F-22  don't  detect radar correctly  to the fabric . Have the  armament 10 missil and eigth  bomb median.
Parts of f-22 is:
  1. wing 
  2. wine cellar of arm
  3. embroider of arm


thermistor temperature sensing alarm

 This kind of temperature alarm will generate a signal when the temperature of the place to be controlled exceeds a predetermined level.

Possible applications:

* A cooling system which doesn't want the temperature to rise and that system don't fulfill the function of keeping the temperature low.
It can posible conect almost everything to the circuit, it can be utilise for inform about an emergency situation, this system can deactivate for a period of time the
 heat source.
* The circuit operates with 12 volts, but can work with any other voltage without affecting its utility.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

The room 13 and other ghost stories

When I was 8 years old I read the book “The room 13 and other ghost stories” author M.R James. The book had horror stories which they make me afraid when I was going to sleep at night remembered and imagined they were and imagined they were real. 

One of the stories I remember is the room 13, the story is the man go into the room 13, which was heard and saw strange things because people believed that the number 13 is unlucky, then when man is inside the room someone touch the window and the man looks out the window and saw in the next room there is a light blood-red reflecting a shadow of a tall person with pointy hat.
The end of the book ends dweller in the next room had a bloody testamente no one knew why.

I never dared to finish book, even I have I saved. Currently I have read other books different genres, this book gift me on my birthday. The book is written in English for I had more English vocabulary. I think finish the book in the next vacation.

Zamora Alanis Santiago R.     5IM18