Strengths and weaknesses in English learning.
I think that my weaknesses in the English learning are more that my strenghts, first I very distracted and I,ve got shortage of attention. that is my more great weaknesses, second for being too distracted I can't pay attention when the professor or my classmates tell me something in English, I think that is the reason for I´ve got bad califications in the tests of "listening"
I love the books, well I love read in Espanish, If I knew English, I would love to read in that language, that is way I beliebe my grat strenghts is the "reading"
personal dictionary
the personal dictionary was a good idea from the teacher, because it help me to have more vocabulary and for don´t forget the structures of the verbal times.
Successful activities or exercises done in class or in the English lab with a short analysis.
in this activity we talk about zero and first conditional, the topic was easy for me because the topic I had already learned during the last semester.
this activity was about the different kinds of structures for talk about the future, the activity was easy for me bacause the topic is very easy and in this class pay close attention.
in this activity I wrote concepts related with the aeronautic, this activity was easy because in the aeronautics class we learn about that kind of words.
Unsuccessful activities or exercises done in class or in the English lab with a short analysis.
this activity was about a page in the book, the page 172, my classmates had to complete the sentenses and the other students and me had to complete the sentenses with the words of our partners, it was difficult because I can't pay attention and I don't have the book.
this activity was about a Gap year, it was difficult for me because, I can´t understand some words related with this topic, other think that I didn´t understand was the website, it confused for me.
in this activity onlie apeear the results of the lab. activity but I remember that this activity in espacial was difficult for me, for the new words that appeared in the computer, I take almost the whole class for do this activity.
first period project (blog)
the blog is the same where I public this final project.
Second Period Project (Newspaper)
the picture is only abut a draft of our final work, Only a partner has the mail and password where the final work is seen in the website "newspapperclub", but the teacher already has record of our evidence.
the activity of the newspapper was about a wrote a story or memory, my story is "are you the love of my life?"
classroom project
my classroom project was about build a temperature alarm, in this presentation I only talk about what is a temperature alarm.